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It Will Come


Xaver Carmo, Henriett Ventura

in collaboration with the performers:


Teresa Alves da Silva

Ana Moreno

Paulina Santos


Directed by:

Henrique Pina


Commissioned work for the House of Beautiful Business 2020,

- The Great Wave.

A first-of-its-kind hybrid global gathering, it will take place in person via smaller events, meetups, and field trips around the globe, as well as online on Zoom, WhatsApp, and in immersive 3D virtual environments.


What makes the individual unique?

There are no two fingerprints alike.

There are no two eye retinas alike.

There are no two belly buttons alike.

There are no two DNA stings alike.

There are no two bodies alike.

In the space-time in with the individual expresses himself he is unique, yet he is part of Humanity.

In algo:_ritmo we dive into a place and time that are no more no less that that with we chose to make of them, and where the individual prints himself as a unique and singular being  within his surrounding collective.

The Fibonacci algorithm serves as an engine for this work. Seen by many as the print of god, or prof of a higher intelligence over the natural world, in this work will use it in the pursuit of a Human print 

Premiere 22 July in Festival ao Largo  2020 edition.

Commissioned work for CNB The National Ballet of Portugal

photo credit: Christian Shwarm


This work was commissioned by The House of Beautiful Business for its gathering of 2019. This challenge of artistical intervention had at its core the premise of working the subject of: - The death of Capitalism -

With that in mind, research was cantered mainly on bringing to life an immersive experience that would strongly affect the audience. For that to happen, it would require triggering and challenging the archetypes of human behaviour, as well as the ways capitalism is embedded and fuels humanities actions on itself and the planet it inhabits. 

photo credit: Hugo David


This work was commissioned by The House of Beautiful Business for its gathering of 2018. The proposition for this work was to develop a reflexion of the interactions of humans and machines, contemplating the possibility of a singularity where artificial intelligence would become sentient and would indeed surpass our own intelligence. With that in mind a trio was created, reflecting on the biblical reference of the original sin, the tree of knowledge and the forbidden fruit, and making an analogy over how once it was mankind gaining consciousness of itself, now it is his creation, the machine gaining it. 

photo credit: Christian Shwarm


After the work Tábua Rasa yet again we collaborated with António Cabrita and São Castro. The idea behind this work was to gather the momentum generated by the outcome of the previous collaboration and see what this energy would bring, and that was a very turbulent one. With we had to embraced and build the piece from it.

Commissioned work for CNB The National Ballet of Portugal

photo credit: Susana Pereira


This work was made through a co-collaboration with another creative partnership António Cabrita and SãoCastro. The premiss for the work was the blank page, or clean slate, as the greek philosophers would say it. The work revolved around the idea of the that with triggers motion. And to question why and how our actions gain physical manifestations. 

Commissioned work for CNB The National Ballet of Portugal

This work was the closing piece for the SIDance Festival in Seoul 2016

photo credit: Frederico Godinho

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This piece aimed to challenge the performer to find what is he's or her's inner substance that drives their bodies into motion. The work was developed and set as many paintings coming to life to explore this substance, and how it would manifest in each of them. each of the paintings referred to a particular performer. This was one of the earliest works.

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This was a very early experimental work, a particular work that was in its proposition very raw, since total freedom was given to the performers over their role in the piece, The main idea for the work was to let go of creative control and allowed for no creativity to spawn from whatever source. Resulting in an explosion of many different creative visions and ideas, coexisting at the same time and challenging themselves.

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This was the first work created for professional dancers, and was made within a young choreographers program that allowed dancers to create and stage a full piece, with all the production aspects of a commissioned creation. What the work itself presented was a combination of different influences, mainly classical and neoclassical inspired work.


a Dance Book


ON AMAZON 23.11.2023


“A comprehensive approach to movement exploration, through a series of propositions”

 by Xavier Carmo,


         This book works works as a tool to ignite and trigger the creative potential of those invested in pursuing a physical exploration in dance and improvisation. It devises a new method of my own creation the "X method" to the soul purpose of enabling novices and pros alike, with the tools to ease and facilitate a fun and enjoyable way to experience and explore moving the body in new ways to Dance. If you practice dance as an enthusiast, student, teacher, professional, choreographer, or simply a curious person that wants to explore the moving body in motion, than this book is definitely for you.

The goal here is to assist you in your endeavor by expanding and enhancing your creative spectrum with this tool. I find that this method enriches the studio experience for both the choreographer and the performers alike, bringing much artistic value to the end result. Another thing you can expect from this method, is that it allows for a shared creative journey, one that becomes an interchanging collaboration of engagement, where everyone feels involved and a part of.

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