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 Henriett Ventura                                                    Xavier Carmo
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Henriett Ventura was born in Gyor Hungary, where she begins her classical training at the Gyor Ballet Dance Company's school, she then earns a scholarship to the Vaganova Dance Academy in St. Petersburg, where she completes her professional training. She is invited to join the Hungarian Festival Ballet under Ivan Marko’s direction. In Portugal, she joins the CNB, taking one numerous leading roles in works from the companies creations and repertoire mainly on the contemporary spectrum of their works. She was also a member of the Quorum Company.

She as consistently performed in both the classical and contemporary dance field either with CNB - Companhia Nacional de Bailado, other companies or as a freelance, involved in creations and works from choreographers like Anne Theresa De Keersmaeker, William Forsythe, Sasha Waltz, Akram Khan, Ambra Senatore, Marco Cantalupo & Katarzyna Gdaniec, Nacho Duato, Heinz Spöerli, Hans Van Manen, Mauro Bigonzetti, Olga Roriz, Paulo Ribeiro, Vitor Hugo Pontes, Tânia Carvalho, Marco da Silva Ferreira, Rui Horta, Rui Lopes Graça, Daniel Cardoso, Michael Ted Brandson, Kevin O’Day, David Fielding, Ivan Márko, John Auld, M. John Cranko, Mehmet Balkan, V. Nijinsky, George Balanchine, George Robert North and others.

As a choreographer she as developed work of her through collaborations, with others. Together with Xavier Carmo she involved in the creation of original dance and physical works, which lead to the creation of HeXa as a formal partnership. She is also invited to give workshops on X Method and creative exploration of movement through improvisation. In collaboration with other choreographers, she had her work nominated two years in a row for best contemporary dance piece by the Portuguese Authors Society - SPA.

Xavier Carmo was born in Lisbon, Portugal and started his classical training in Companhia Nacional de Bailado School - CNB ballet school. He then goes on to the Nacional Dance Conservatory in Lisbon from where he graduates. He is then invited to join the National Ballet Company of Portugal - CNB by Jorge Salavisa. He has also a degree in Naturopathy and Osteopathy by the ESBS.

He as consistently performed in both the classical and contemporary dance field either with CNB - Companhia Nacional de Bailado, other companies or as a freelance, involved in creations and works from choreographers like Anne Theresa De Keersmaeker, William Forsythe, Sasha Waltz, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Ambra Senatore, Marco Cantalupo & Katarzyna Gdaniec, Nacho Duato, Heinz Spöerli, Hans Van Manen, Mauro Bigonzetti, Olga Roriz, Paulo Ribeiro, Vitor Hugo Pontes, Tânia Carvalho, Né Barros, Aldara Bizarro, Rui Lopes Graça, Daniel Cardoso, Michael Corder, Ted Brandson, Kevin O’Day, David Fielding, John Auld, M. Fokine, John Cranko, Mehmet Balkan, V. Nijinsky, George Balanchine, George Garcia, Robert North and others.

As a choreographer he began by taking part in the new talent programs from CNB, initially creating small pieces. He then moved on to developing full- length works on his own, as well as in collaboration with others. Together with Henriett Ventura he as been involved in the creation of original dance and physical works, which lead them to start the HeXa project as a formal partnership. He is also invited to give workshops on X Method and creative exploration of movement through improvisation. In collaboration with other choreographers, he had his work nominated two years in a row for best contemporary dance piece by the Portuguese Authors Society - SPA.

He's also the writer of "a Dance Book", a comprehensive approach to movement exploration through a series of propositions.

Showreel- The Ring

Showreel- The Ring

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​Tábua Rasa

Dança Contemporânea

Direcção Geral das Artes

Nomeação na categoria de Dança contemporânea para peça Tábua Rasa. Co-criação de Xavier Carmo Henriett Ventura, São Castro e António Cabrita




Dança Contemporânea

Direcção Geral das Artes

Nomeação na categoria de Dança contemporânea para peça Turbulência. Co-criação de Xavier Carmo Henriett Ventura, São Castro e António Cabrita

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